miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Places I've been

My name is Noel E. Ramos. I started college in 2001 but, due to some personal failings and some achievements, it's 2014 and I still haven't finished my BA. I joined the US Army in 2005 and managed to travel all over the world because of the War and other military duties. I left in 2010 and decided to continue my education. If all goes well, I should graduate this May. Here are some places I've been at.

  1. Florida
  2. California
  3. Alaska
  4. Spain
  5. Iraq
  6. South Korea
  7. Japan
  8. Ireland
  9. Germany
  10. Washington D.C.
I enjoyed my trip to Washington because I got to stay with my best friend, Michael, who I rarely see. He took me to the museums, we did some gardening and hiking and also introduced me to his new friends in D.C. I had a lot of fun at some of the landmarks like the Lincoln Memorial and Capitol Hill.

    Psst! Miss! Taking a photo over here!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I want go to Alaska, Germany and North Korea. Is nice you are finishing study and you have been in all this places.

  2. It is nice to know you did not stop in pursuing finishing your BA keep it up.

  3. Pursuing continuing your studies is something to applaud because not many people have the courage to do that. Keep up the good work and you will get there.

  4. Its great that you are back for your BA! I want to go to Alaska someday!

  5. It is very import an to have your BA. Interesting post my friend
